Choose Joy

Why Laughter Is the Timeless Elixir of Youth

19 days of this month remain.

The difference of the day #53

We were born to rejoice in life. As children, we had fun and joy with little.

Then, as we grew up, we learned to be serious.

Burdened by a social structure, we often forget to laugh.

It started when we grew up and became worse when we became overwhelmed by life's situations.

No one tells us that the situation remains the same, whether you cry over yourself or laugh.

How would sadness or anger come in handy?

Why not choose to laugh if the situation remains the same?

One should always laugh, even when the world doesn't turn how we want it to, because some people live for our smiles.

As a parent, the most you want for your child is for them to be happy.

As a child, we should remember that and give our parents the gift of our happiness.

Making our smiles burst into laughter is good for the soul, our own, and those around us.

A smiling person is a pleasant company; even a toothless face is beautiful when it smiles. Can you say the same about a pouty face?

The point is that you get old when you stop laughing, not as time passes.

I want to remain a child in my soul, don't you?

Today, make a difference; choose joy.

PS: Want to read about another difference?
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