Chained by Passion

When Love Doesn't Equal Freedom

76 days left in the quarter.

Difference of the Day #210

Once you "love" what you do, a paradox emerges. The heart doesn't distinguish between labor and play; we tell children this myth, mistaking work for joy.

Consider the architect who pours her soul into brick and mortar—her craft both tortures and delights her. But can love alone erase the grind of work? Capitalism has sold us this seductive illusion, like wolves in sheep's clothing.

The fisherman’s love is a perfect metaphor: he savors the vast solitude of the sea, yet still endures storms and casts his nets, bringing home fish heavy with the stench of effort. True love may mock labor, but it rarely frees us from its grasp.

Look to the labor economist and recognize the irony.

Today, Make A Difference.

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