Ask, Don’t Assume

Avoid Unnecessary Conflict

55 days left in the quarter.

Difference of the Day #231

Ever notice how quick we are to make assumptions? We don’t ask, we don’t clarify; instead, we assume and carry on. And then, we get defensive—fighting to protect our assumptions as if they were facts. It’s like building a house on sand; we argue from an unstable foundation.

Why do we do this? Simple: fear of looking uninformed. But here’s the irony—assumptions lead us to more misunderstanding and more suffering than any “stupid question” ever could. Each unasked question is a missed opportunity to connect, to learn, to see things as they actually are.

Imagine instead if we dropped the fear and just asked. Sure, we risk a little embarrassment. But what we gain is clarity, understanding, and—dare I say it—peace. When we swap assumptions for real understanding, we replace conflict with connection. In the end, a question takes a fraction of the time it takes to defend an assumption.

Today, Make A Difference.

PS: Want to read about another difference?
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