Advertising as Insurance

Protecting Your Brand

58 days left in the quarter.

Difference of the Day #228

Think about advertising like insurance, not like an investment. Strange? Maybe. But here’s the idea: most leaders throw money at ads hoping for a nice return. They’re banking on it to grow the business, like a tree grows from water. But that’s not the smartest way to look at it.

Instead, advertising is more like a protective wall. You’re not investing to get rich; you’re setting up a defense against the competition. Just as you’d insure your home against fires, storms, or other disasters, you “insure” your brand to shield it from competitive attacks. Ads aren’t there to make you rich overnight—they’re a strategic buffer against losses.

This shift in thinking changes the game. You’re not asking, “How much will I make?” You’re asking, “How well am I protected?” Now, every ad dollar you spend starts to look less like a gamble and more like a smart move to keep your ground.

Today, Make A Difference.

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